Bob Edwards HOP & Learning Teams Course Locked In!

Southpac supports JETGO staff by offering discount off training to personnel made redundant as a consequence of the JETGO Administration.
The HOP Coach, Bob Edwards, conducts flexible and customised in-house training in Perth.

Southpac is excited to announce that we are bringing over Bob Edwards, the H.O.P Coach from the U.S. to deliver a 2.5-day course on Human and Organisational Performance and Learning Teams.

Course dates have been locked in as the 2nd-4th of August in Brisbane and will include a 1-day Introduction to Human and Organisational Performance and 1.5 days focused on operational learning and learning teams. This is undoubtedly a great new technique for reviewing and learning from unexpected outcomes and is relevant to all managers including operations, business improvement, quality and safety.

See the course overview for further details and course program. Make the most of this “one-off” opportunity, contact usnow to hold your place!

Contact Us!

Our team is always happy to hear success stories, new ideas and discuss your course opportunities or in-house training programs.  Send us a short note!

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